April 11, 2022
Enjoy the spring weather and get out into the garden. Here’s a month-by-month checklist of what you can be doing to prepare for another great season!
- Clear leaf mulch from the crowns of perennials and wherever bulbs grow
- Cut back dead stems of perennials
- Plant bare-root plants once soil is workable
- Press back perennials heaved by frost
- Remove protective plant coverings, such as burlap and evergreen boughs
- Top-dress beds with compost once the ground thaws
- Cut back summer-blooming shrubs such as hydrangea
- Divide summer- and fall-blooming perennials
- Plant perennials, trees and shrubs
- Prune vines such as wisteria, clematis and climbing roses
- Weed
- Continue weeding
- Deadhead spring-flowering perennials
- Divide spring-flowering perennials
- Prune lavender when leaf buds break
- Prune spring-flowering shrubs immediately after they bloom
- Remove unwanted perennial seedlings
- Watch for pests such as aphids